ISRO has established the Antarctica Ground Station for Earth Observation Satellites (AGEOS), at Bharati Station, Larsemann Hills, Antarctica, for receiving Indian Remote sensing Satellite (IRS) data. This state-of-the-art advanced Ground station was commissioned during August 2013 and is receiving data from IRS satellites (like CARTOSAT-2 Series, SCATSAT-1, RESOURCESAT-2/2A,CARTOSAT-1) and transferring the same to NRSC, Shadnagar near Hyderabad.
This extended data receive S/X/Ka antenna system of Antarctica supplements Earth Observation (EO) data collection for ISRO. An Earth Station at Polar region has the advantage of visibility of 10 passes per day for each mission. This would provide global remote sensing data acquisition capability. A C- Band station is commissioned at the National Centre for Antarctica & Ocean Research (NCAOR), Goa to establish a dedicated communication link for round the clock opera for the video conferencing, video streaming and internet browsing applications.
This Satcom station is providing the vital communication support to the Indian scientific community for pursuing their research work at Maitri throughout the year. With the commissioning of the Earth station at NCAOR, Goa, the Indian station, Maitri has been brought in the ambit of World Wide Web.The AGEOS is continuously operated and maintained by the Engineers of ISRO who are under deputation to Bharati Station, Antarctica on a regular basis.