

National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC) focusing on promotion of Remote Sensing Technology and Applications among users in India, has brought out a book on "Remote Sensing Applications" covering land, water, atmosphere and natural disasters. The book was Compiled and Edited by P.S. Roy, R.S Dwivedi and D.Vijayan. The book covers 16 chapters addressing various applications starting with introduction, state of art technology, case studies, literature review, future trends besides providing relevant references which are more useful for operational scientists and researchers. The resource scientists from Remote Sensing & GIS Applications Area have contributed these chapters. The book was published as training material for distribution to course participants attending 12 weeks course at NRSC, Hyderabad. The book contains 397 pages in 16 chapters and the same is placed in NRSC website so that users can view/download chapter wise as per their needs.

Copyright @ 2010 by NRSC/ISRO. Placed for Academic and Research purpose only. Copying contents of this document in part (or) whole in any form is prohibited.

Kindly forward the feedback on this book to vijayan_d[at]nrsc[dot]gov[dot]in

Document Authors Links
Agriculture Sesha Sai MVR, Ramana KV & Hebbar R adobe
Land use and Land cover Analysis Sudhakar S & Kameshwara Rao SVC adobe
Forest and Vegetation Murthy MSR and Jha CS adb adobe adobe
Soils Land Degradation By Ravishankar T & Sreenivas adobe
Urban and Regional Planning Venugopal Rao K,Ramesh B,Bhavani SVL & Kamini adobe
Water Resources Management Rao VV & Raju PV adobe
Geosciences Vinod Kumar K & Arindam Guha adobe
Ground Water Subramanian SK & Seshadri K adobe
Oceans Ali MM, Rao KH,Rao MV & Sridhar PN adb
Atmosphere Badrinath KVS adb
Cyclones Ali MM adb
Flood Disaster Management Bhanumurthy V, Manjusree P & Srinivasa Rao adb adb
Agricultural Drought Monitoring and Assesment Murthy CS & Sesha Sai MVR adb
Landslides Vinod Kumar K & Tapas RM adb
Earthquake and Active Faults Vinod Kumar K adb
Forest Fire Monitoring Biswadip Gharai, Badrinath KVS & Murthy MSR adb


The Indian Earth Observation Programme, over the past three decades, has successfully launched and operated a series of Indian Remote Sensing satellites with coarse, medium and high resolution sensors with the best spatial resolution achieved being 2.5m.

SNo Document Link
1. Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission User Manual adb