

Geosciences group of NRSC is involved in multiple activities involving remote sensing applications in geology. The group focuses its activity on three major domains namely groundwater studies; mineral exploration and geoenvironmental studies;  geohazards and geodynamic studies. 

The major projects executed by the group consists of National Geomorphology and Lineament Mapping (NGLM), National Rural Drinking Water Program (NRDWP), Mineral exploration studies for Diamond, Iron, Phosphate Manganese, Bauxite etc., Seasonal Landslide Inventory Mapping (SLIM) and Landslide Susceptibility Zonation (LSZ).

In addition to these, operational and research projects in earthquake studies, geotechnical studies, coal fire mapping, geoenvironmental zonation and planetary studies are also being carried out.The geosciences laboratory is equipped with instruments like spectroradiometers, ground penetrating radar and field deployed Continuously Operating Receiver Stations (CORS)