Respond Projects


Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Provides financial support under RESPOND Programme for conducting research and development activities related to space science, space technology and space applications in universities and academic institutions in India.
The main objective of the RESPOND programme is to establish strong links with academic institutions to carryout quality research and developmental projects of relevance to space and derive useful outputs to support ISRO programmes , to enhance academic base, generate human resources and infrastructure at the academic institution to support the space programme.
The RESPOND management council is expected to provide overall guidance to RESPOND programme at ISRO level. The ISRO level activities are executed and monitored by Dy.Director, RESPOND. At NRSC, the RESPOND Programme is coordinated and monitored By RESPOND Review Committee (RRC). The RESPOND Programme is carried out under the overall responsibility and guidance of RRC. The committee scrutinizes new proposals based on comments given by NRSC expert and reviews each project. Once in a year, RRC Conduct a detailed review of respond projects mainly on progress, fund and duration of ongoing projects and provide recommendations. During these reviews, Principal Investigator (PI) are encouraged to bring out technical issues. The centre Respond activities are coordinated by Convenor/coordinator, Respond.