खरीद और भंडार

निविदाएँ: अभिलेखागार

PT. No. Tender


Augmentation of Space Exhibition for RC-South


Hand held X Ray Diffractometer (XRD)


Augmentation of Space Exhibition for RC South


Foreign Satellite Data Procurement- view access (621.46 Sq. Km) and premium download (7243.48 Sq.Km)—3m – Near daily subscription and 0.5m PS data (25 Sq.km X 10 areas) with native GSD of PAN and MX at 0.5m to 1m for 15/07/2023 to 14/07/2024


CORRIGENDUM :Supply, Installation and commissioning of Ka band Satellite Link for Shadnagar-Antarctica Connectivity


Supply and Installation of Laptops


Foreign Satellite Data Procurement- 5m x5m MSL and Hydrologically Corrected DTM archive data derived from X-band SAR FOR NRSC


CORRIGENDUM :Supply, Installation and commissioning of Ka band Satellite Link for Shadnagar-Antarctica Connectivity


Supply, Installation and commissioning of Ka band Satellite Link for Shadnagar-Antarctica Connectivity


Ka Band Phase Shifter, Qty: 02 No's


Ka Band WR34 DPDT Switch, Qty: 03 No's


Supply,Installation and Commissioning of Ka Band Satellite link for Antarctica Connectivity and CAMC for 5 years


Foreign Satellite Data - 1m Orthorectified mosaic created using imagery with 50cm GSD at nadir - 3band PS color Balanced archived data with Accuracy 8.5m CE90 without using GCPs


Foreign Satellite Data - Ortho rectified Pan sharpened (4 Band data), Resolution:0.5m, Only Acrhive data period: 2020 to 2021 ( in case of non-availability in 2020 to 2021 data of 2017-2019 is acceptable)


Foreign Satellite Data Procurement


ACMS/FMS for Computer Systems of RRSCs( RC-North, RC-South, RC-East, Rc-West and RC-Central ) for a period of three years from 01.01.2022 or from the date of release of Purchase order


Aerial Survey using vendor's fixed wing aircraft, manpower and LiDAR-DC Sensor and supply of square Pre-processed data products as per the tender specifications, terms and condtions of Kosi river basin in Bihar State


Demodulators with Built-in Modulators for Antarctica Ground station with 3 years standard warranty


Foreign Satellite Data Procurement - Ortho rectified Pan sharpened (4 Band data), Res:0.5m, Acrhive data acquired during 2020-2021 ( in case of non-availability in 2020 to 2021 data of 2017-2019 is acceptable)


Supply,Installation, Testing Commissioning and Training of Door Frame Metal Detectors (DFMDs) & CAMC for 6 years after one year warranty


Foreign Satellite Data Ortho Ready Stereo, 4 Band Pan Sharpened, Fresh Tasking or Archive data not older than 6 months, Cloud cover <10% (no cloud cover on corridor of 400m Width), ONA:0-20 deg, License-group


Foreign Satellite Data Procurement - ALOS PALSAR L Band SAR data


Proton Precession Magnetometer


Foreign Satellite Data - DTM with resolution / posting: 0.5m, archive data generated from latest imagery preferred or from last five years, absolute accuracy: 3m LE90/CE90 or better.


1.Foreign Satellite Data - SAR URBAN (Specifications: 0.51M SLC, GEO and Terrain corrected data - X BAND SPOTLIGHT HH 25-40 INCIDENCE ANGLE FRESH JUNE-DEC 2021.
2.Foreign Satellite Data - SAR vegetation (Specifications: 1.2M SLC, GEO and Terrain corrected data - X BAND STRIPMAP HH 25-40 INCIDENCE ANGLE FRESH JUNE-DEC 2021.




Procurement of Demodular with built-in modulators for Antarctica Ground Station


Foreign Satellite Data Orthorectified Pan sharpened (4 Band data), Resolution:0.5m, Acrhive data acquired during 2020 to 2021 ( in case of non-availability data of 2017-2019 ) Cloudfree and snowfree data required, ONA: <30 deg, UTM/WGS84, Nearest Neighbor resampling, 12 bit data, License:Single, Segment:Commercial


Foreign Satellite Data 2m Pan-Sharpened/Multispectral 3 Or 4-Band Orthorectified Color Balanced Mosaic Base Map Archive Product For Pan India Excluding Andaman & Nicobar Islands And Lakshdweep Island With An Accuracy Of Better Than 5m CE90. Details Are As Per The Specifications Attached In The Tender Docs.


Establishment of two Point to Point Leased Lines and 200 Mbps Bandwidth Subscription Support Services between NRSC,Balanagar and NRSC Jeedimetla

PT-13 (2020-21)

Annual Rate Contract for Publication of Newspaper Advertisement

PT-12 (2020-21)

Rate Contract for Foreign Satellite Data Procurement

PT-11 (2020-21)

Rate Contract for Hiring of Taxies from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2023 and extendable by one more year on satisfactory service

PT-10 (2020-21)

Providing of Photographers for 02 years

PT-09 (2020-21)

Site Engineers for Bhuvan

Corrigendum -PT-07

Corrigendum: Aerial Survey using vendors fixed wing aircraft, manpower & liDAR-DC sensor and supply of Pre-processed data products of Kosi river basin in Bihar state


Service Contract for Administrative Support Service - 02 Years


Aerial Survey using vendors fixed wing aircraft, manpower & liDAR-DC sensor and supply of Pre-processed data products of Kosi river basin in Bihar state


Providing of LVD/HVD Drivers for 2 Years
PT-05 Point to Pont Leased Line and 200 Mbps Bandwidth Subscription Support Services between NRSC, Balanagar and NRSC, Jeedimetla
PT-04 AWS for CMPDI Project
PT-03 Up and Down Converters
Tender Document
PT-02 Supply of Survey Grade GNSS systems with peripherals and processing software
PT-01 AMC for Housekeeping at RRSC-C & Antariksh Vihar Complex, Nagpur
PT-372 Procurement of NAS Storage
PT-371 Open- path Eddy Covariance System
PT-370 Hiring Of Vehicles: Rate Contract for hiring of Taxies at RRSC-W-Jodhpur, for a period of Two years w.e.f 01.05.2020 and extendable for one year
PT-369 Test Equipment for IMGEOS and Tirunelveli.
PT-368 Supply of SurveyGrade GNSSSystems with peripherals andprocessing software.
PT-367 Procurement of High End Workstations with 3 yearsonsite comprehensive warranty.
PT-366 Gas Chromatograph
PT-365 Particle Size Analyser
PT-364 ACMS & FMS for Computer Systems of NRSC
PT-360 Corrigendum of PT-360
PT-359 Corrigendum of PT-359
PT-363 Establishment of 500 Mbps International Link
PT-362 Airborne Integrated GNSS and IMU System with post processing s/w with four years extended warranty
PT-361 Supply & Installation of Wooden Furniture for Transit Guest House at RRSC-W Jodhpur
PT-360 Rate Contract for supply of Buses/Vehicles (A.C.) on Hiring basis
PT-359 Rate Contract for supply of Taxies (A.C.) on Hiring basis
PT-358 ACMS & FMS for Computer Systems of NRSC
PT-357 Supply, Installation,Testing, Commissioning and Acceptance of High-end Workstations
PT-356 Manpower Supply: Administrative/ Technical support service personnel (02 No’s ASP + 02 No’s TSP = Total 04 No’s) for a period of Two years.
PT-355 X-Band Down converter
PT-354 Video Accessories and spares supply,installation and commissioning of videowall display system (One each at 5 locations)
PT-353 Procurement of Workstations for conducting Trainings at NRSC
PT-352 Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Acceptance of High-end Workstations
PT-351 Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
PT-350 Rate Contract for Printing and Binding services: Printing/Plotting of maps/posters in vector/Raster Formats
PT-349 Printing of Desktop Calenders 2020
PT-348 PCB Fabrication & Assembly
PT-347 Digital Audio System & Podium for Conference hall
PT-346 Corrigendum PT-346
PT-346 1 X 100 KVA DG set with enclose and AMF panel 
PT-345 Supply, Installation and commissioning of Dedicated Internet Leased Connectivity at RRSC Kolkata.
PT-344 Procurement of Bucket/Man/Sky Lift vehicles -03 Nos.
PT-343 Contract for Hiring of Manpower for Canteens at RRSC, Jodhpur
PT-342 Supply, Installation and commissioning of Dedicated Internet Leased Connectivity at RRSC Nagpur
PT-341 Online AAQMS - 2 Numbers
PT-340 AWS - 4 Numbers
PT-338 Provision of Manpower Support for UPS, AV Facility, RF & Workshop
PT-337 Provision of  High Volume Sampler (PM 2.5.PM 10)
PT-336 Provision of  Integrated Tracking System
PT-335 Provision of  Site Engineers for Bhuvan Scale up Activities for 2 Years
PT-334 AMC for Security Services at RRSC-Nagpur
PT-333 Portable FTIR
PT-332 For supply of Test Instruments 
PT -331 PCB Fabrication and Assembly
PT -330 S Band up and down converters
PT-329 Supply and installation of rack mount servers
PT-328 UTM for IMGEOS networks
PT-327 Work Stations
PT-326 TTC Processor
PT-324 SSPA Assembly with 1:1 Redundancy Configuration
PT-323 Annual Works contract for operation of DG, UPS at NRSC Balanagar
PT-322 Annual Works contract for operation of DG, UPS at NRSC Jeedimetla
PT-321 ACMS & FMS for Computer Systems
PT-320 10gbps Dual Ported NIC Cards-30 Nos
  Purchase Notice 
PT-318 Provision of site engineers for Bhuvan Scaleup activities for 3 years.
PT-317 AMC of House Keeping and Caretaking of Visiting Scientist Hostel at AntarikshVihar, Nagpur
  Expression of Interest for Establishing Smart Class Room
PT-314 Mobile Mapping System -1 Lot
PT-313 AMC for Maintenance of Air Conditioning
infrastructure for two years- 1 lot at RRSC Nagpur
PT-312 Landing Gear Overhaul- 1 No
PT-311 Annual Contract for supply of High Speed Diesel (HSD) for two years
PT-310 Electronic Component Solidstate Device 3.0-4.0 GHz Frequency Synthesizers
PT-309 GUI based Demodulators and Modulators
PT-308 A V Facility for conference Room NRSC, Jeedimetla
PT-307 Induction buffet & Addl. Ice-cream desert countersfor VIP Dining NRSC, Jeedimetla
PT-306 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of Antarctica Ground Station for Earth Observation Satellites at Antarctica
PT-305 Spectroradiometers- 2 Nos
PT-304 Network Switches
PT-303 Fabrication and supply of PCI express based SPARC Data ingest and processing Cards
PT-302 Open path CO2/H2O gas Analyzers
PT-301 Passive network Elements for BAE Analyzers