

Land degradation maps were generated and are useful for planning soil conservation / reclamation programs, land use planning, for bringing additional areas into cultivation and also to improve productivity levels in degraded lands. Maps of salt affected and water logging area, soil erosion maps are provide in bhuvan portal.
Studies were carried out to prepare soil maps at 1:25,000 and 1:12,500 scales in selected districts in the country. Several studies are carried out on pilot scale for preparation of soil maps at 1:10K scale required for Village level management of soils, delineation of homogeneous management zones for macro nutrient management, precision Agriculture in mono cropped agricultural systems Studies on Soil Carbon Dynamics was carried out  as part of  National Carbon Project which also provided key inputs to UNCCD towards  national land neutrality targets.

Remote sensing based  soil maps  soils are generated through hybrid approach to address - the close relationship between physiography (landform), lithology, and vegetation type associated with the terrain and soils occurring thereon is utilized during mapping.

Satellite data from IRS sensors are being used to generate soil maps through monoscopic (non-stereoscopic) visual interpretation and computer-assisted digital analysis approaches. In visual Interpretation approach, the close relationship between physiography (landform), lithology, and vegetation type associated with the terrain and soils occurring thereon is utilized during mapping.  From the soil resources map, the derivative information like land capability, irrigability and suitability are assessed using supportive thematic information.