The annual cropland products were the integrated outcome of the Land use land cover (LULC) output generated at 56m resolution under National Level LULC mapping on 1: 2,50,000 scale using multi-temporal AWiFS project. The study involved use of multi temporal AWiFS data covering Kharif (Aug –Nov), Rabi (Jan- Mar), Zaid (April- May) seasons to address spatial and temporal variability in cropping pattern and other land cover classes.
Seasonal information at annual scale representing Kharif, Rabi, Net sown area and fallow are during 2005-06 to 2015-16 are hosted on Bhuvan-Annual Crop Land .
Select NICES Project – Terrestrial Sciences – Annual Crop land data set, List and view the data of the selected time period. Technical Document(hyper link :Annaul Crop land )