Digital Object Identifiers

S.No Product Data Object Identifier (DOI) Product Description
17 E04 SAR MRS Normalized Radar Back Scatter In Level-2B Normalized Radar Backscatter Product, terrain induced variations are normalized by the local illuminated area.
18 E04 SAR MRS Cycle wise Mosaic INDIA Mosaic Product is an Analysis Ready Data (ARD) - Gamma0 Product from INDIAN MRS systematic coverage acquisitions.
19 E04 SAR MRS Wind Detection This product contains High resolution ocean surface wind speed retrieved from EOS-04 C-band SAR Level-2 GeoReferenced data.
20 E04 SAR MRS Soil moisture This product is a High-resolution (500m) Surface Soil Moisture data product over INDIA derived using EOS-04 (RISAT-1A) C-band SAR and SMAP radiometer data.
21 E04 SAR MRS Oil Spill This product is a large scale oil spill detected product using automatic segmentation of dark area and classification into oil spill.
22 E04 SAR CRS Normalized Radar Back Scatter In Level-2B Normalized Radar Backscatter Product, terrain induced variations are normalized by the local illuminated area.
23 RS2 AWIF AWIF Mosaic RS2 AWIF Full India Mosaic
24 R2A AWIF AWIF Mosaic R2A AWIF Full India Mosaic