Horticulture Assessment and Management using Geo-informatics (CHAMAN) is a national mission project for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperation, GOI and State Horticulture Departments. This project requires a reliable database for the inventory of horticulture crops in terms of plantation area, locations and generation of geospatial database. Satellite data has been extensively used for inventory major horticulture crops (mango, banana, citrus) in 40 selected districts of country. Generated database is useful as a reference dataabase in planning and devlopmental activities related to horitculture plantation management, extension and horticulture related infrastrcture devlopment. Pilot studies have been conducted for studying the site suitability for extending the areas of horticulture crops. Various layers viz. soil, groundwater, rainfall, land use/cover, etc. have been utilized to arrive at areas suitable for expansion of mango plantations.