Rural Development

Monitoring Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)

Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) creates wide network of farm ponds, check dams and other soil conservation measures apart from supporting many other natural resource management actions. A geospatial data oriented Web GIS solution along with smart phone based application for achieving transparent and precise governance is developed and hosted on Bhuvan-IWMP.

High resolution time series satellite images rendered in natural color coupled with smart phone uploaded field inventory of activities done under IWMP. With spatially explicit and detailed space based imaging of the watersheds for time periods before the implementation of IWMP projects followed by post implementation period, it is possible to watch the changes brought in due to activities duly validated by the near real time inventory of the field structures and activities.

8200 microwatershed projects to be monitored for five years. Utilisation smart phone application based geotagging of activities are being handled by State agencies. Visualization of assets brought in high level transparency that is acknowledged widely.