
Tea Area Development & Management

Tea Board of India require the inventory of tea garden including small growers, monitoring of uprooted and replanted areas. Collaborative study has been conducted by NRSC to support the Tea Board, Tea Research Associations, Tea Gardens and Tea Industries with the adoption of geospatial technologies for better coordination, garden management and informed decision making.

Satellite data was used for estimating spatial variability of crown densities of shade trees, spatial database of tea gardens with section details, land-use, shade tree density for facilitating the administrative linkages among Tea Board of India, large gardens, bought leaf factories, small growers and Industry. Tea Garden Management Information System (MIS) is developed for this project to update the information on monitoring of uprooting and re-planting activities towards rejuvenation over a large area with minimum effort and manpower. Study has been done for Tea gardens of Jalpaiguri and Dibrugarh in Assam State.