Bhoonidhi Portal is an online web application using which users are requested to specify their area and period of interest along with the sensor and product selection. The user’s area of interest (AOI) may be specified in form of a point, polygon, draw-on-map, location name, map sheet and shapefile. For shapefile based AOI specification, the input shape file should be in ESRI compatible format (.shx, .shp, .dbf and .prj) and the distance between the vertices of the shape file must be a minimum of 5 kms. Minimum order is 1 scene for the corresponding sensor.
Based on the proforma invoice generated through Bhoonidhi Portal, user can transfer 100% advance payment to NRSC along 18% of the GST (as per the applicable guidelines) through NEFT online transfer or a demand draft in favour “Pay and Accounts Officer NRSC” payable at Hyderabad.
All data products will be disseminated to the users as per the Remote Sensing Data Policy and the guidelines provided by the Government of India. The order will be entertained when the required information is furnished in full and payment made. Data orders are to be placed through Bhoonidhi Portal along with the required undertakings and certificates. Please ensure the correct product type is chosen. For further details, please contact NDC. Order once processed and confirmed cannot be amended or cancelled unless technical problems are encountered during data generation. NDC reserves the right to refuse/cancel any order in full or part.