Water Resources
National Hydrology Project-
National Hydrology Project is being executed for MoWR RD & GR, GOI for providing operational hydrological services. The main components of this project are flood forecasting and early warning using space and aerial inputs in flood prone river reaches, estimation of water balance components on regular time interval, snow cover area estimation and snow melt runoff modeling, Glacier Lake and Snow Cover Monitoring in Himalaya region, Evapotranspiration and irrigation scheduling studies, operational hydrological drought assessment at monthly scale, capacity building for selected water resources engineers of the country.
Irrigation Infrastructure Monitoring
Irrigation Infrastructure consists of canals, irrigation structures such as regulators, cross-drainage structures, syphon, etc. Comprehensive monitoring of irrigation projects during construction phase is being carried out by Central Water Commission (CWC), MoWR under Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)