Mapping and monitoring of surface water bodies across the country are being monitored with automated water bodies extraction algorithms that were developed to process huge daily acquired satellite data from multiple sensors across the IRS satellites. These algorithms helps to map water bodies information of varying sizes at different time intervals ( >50 Ha – fortnight, >2 ha –Monthly, >0.25ha at seasonal time interval). Due to presence of cloud cover, the daily processed data are time-composited is made available.
Sensors onboard Resourcesat 2, Resourcesat 2A are the primary satellites responsible for the generation of surface water bodies information and to host in Bhuvan –WBIS.
Water spread information generated is also used to generate grid-wise (grid size of 5 km x 5 km) water body fraction product for download through Bhuvan-Water Bodies as “National Information System for Climate and Environment Studies (NICES)” database These information is is data is useful in hydrological modelling, drought assessment, surface water dynamics analysis, etc.
This version 2.0 of WBIS has new geospatial tools for (i) graphical visualisation of multi-date water spread area; (ii) regional water spread area analysis, (iii) spatio-temporal visualisation of water spread and (iv) to identify potential water bodies for inland fisheries cultivation.