Development of Water Resources Information Systems is the need of the hour to have unique and seamless database for all the irrigation database in the country . NRSC has contributed for a major project “Generation of Database and Implementation of Web Enabled Water Resources Information System in the Country” : India-WRIS which is a joint venture of the Central Water Commission (CWC).
There are 6 modules - WRIS Info Discovery, WRIS Explorer, WRIS Connect, Share Success Story, Water Resources Planning & Management and Input Data Builder, 12 Main information systems and 35 Sub-information systems, 95 Spatial layers with more than 700 attributes, 5-100 years data. Project have created base of all water resources assets of the country on 1:50,000 scale which are being used all concerned government departments NGO’s and other stakeholders who are associated with integrated water resources management.
An exclusive geo-portal “Telangana Water Resources Information System TWRISfor I&CAD. Was developed to enable necessary geospatial information on water resources of the state. This facilitated the collection of hosting of field data with state irrigation department, hosting of legacy and current water resources database that is generated from projects executed at ISRO. Capacity building is being done for the engineers for enabling the use of satellite data for seasonal crop area estimation on a regular basis, impact assessment of development programmes like Mission Bhagirathi, and regular developmental works.