Satellite data would provide wealth of information for preparation of Pre-Feasibility Reports, Feasibility Reports and Detailed Project Reports in the context of Interlinking of Rivers are River Surveys, Reservoir Capacity Assessment, Reservoir Sedimentation, Submergence Area analysis, Rehabilitation & Reconstruction, Link Alignment, Canal Network Planning, Sites for Online New Storages, Conveyance System, Land irrigability assessment, Ideal Site Selection of Dam, Land Use/Land Cover analysis, Cropping System Analysis and Command Area Survey.
A study was carried out in KenBetwa river link region to help the finalisation of probable dam sites , potential command areas, submergence areas at varying proposed contour levels. CartoDEM plays an important role in addition to the high resolution satellite data from Indian Remote Sensing sensors.The high resolution satellite with stereo imaging capability is providing digital elevation models and multi-spectral information is providing terrain characterization to carry out submergence area analysis identifying the stretches of fertile lands, forests, villages and towns that would submerge and command area analysis to arrive at optimal solutions for efficient water use systems and strategies.